A Foundation in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for Coaches/ Psychologists and those who listen for a living
This registration form, which takes roughly five minutes to complete, supports the organisation of the event. Your care is much appreciated.
14th Nov
21st Nov
28th Nov
12th Dec
19th Dec
(Please note we will skip a week)

time- 1400- 1600 (UK time) 2 hours each week online via Zoom- with a short break

This is NOT a form for registering your interest. Please use ONLY if you are committed to attending.

I ask for £250 for the training (or a Concession price of £180- you chose which to pay). Other amounts to meet your needs and mine via dialogue.  shona@shonacameron.com
You will receive an email with bank details

Not using £? Please use https://wise.com/u/shonac
(IBAN) GB21 CPBK 0892 8607 2050 73 and pay any fees
or http://paypal.me/shonanvc and pay any fees.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Email address *
Confirm email address *
First name *
Family name *
Phone number *
Format: +(country code) your number: eg +44 7123456789
Are you willing for us to share your email address with the other participants? *
This can support you in getting to exchange with other participants
How did you hear about this event?
How would you rate your NVC experience?
Clear selection
Do you have additional support needs? (for eg: dyslexia, sensory needs etc). If so how can I help to support your learning? I might contact you.
Once you have submitted this form, we will inform you how to make payment for the full amount

Do you need a receipt? *
If yes, which name you would like on it?
Refund and cancellation policy
Money will be returned to you, if you need to cancel before 1st Nov, minus an admin fee.

After Nov 1st your fee will be refunded only if your place on the course is filled by someone on the waiting list or if you find someone to take your place. There will be no refund if your place on the event is not filled.

In the event of you cancelling, you could consider gifting your place to someone else - there are many people  who do not have the funds to attend such event.
Thank you for completing the form. Please review your entries before pressing 'Submit'
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