BAD Hands Interest Survey
Please fill out the form to the best of your ability. We'll be happy to answer questions related to being a BAD Hand at the launch party!

Note: This information is only used by BAD management to communicate with volunteers.
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What's your full legal name? *
Got a derby name? If so, what is it?
Phone Number *
Email *
Mailing Address: *
Please include City, State, and Zip Code
Emergency Contact Name and Relation:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
How do you prefer to be contacted?
Check all that apply
Are you a BAD Hand veteran?
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What kind of bout job interests you? *
Mark all that apply.  We'll be happy to answer questions about any of the jobs that aren't immediately clear at the launch party!
For which of the following dates are you available?
Are you a superfan of a specific BAD team?
We want to make sure you sit trackside and scream/heckle/cheer on your favorite BAD team!
Related/BFF's/Married/Significant Other to someone affiliated with BAD?
We want to make sure everyone stays connected!
Do you know any cool businesses that may want to sponsor us?
(We'll have the sponsorship team reach out to you/them)
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