Foundation for Integrated Transport Small grant application form
We'd hate you to lose your work, so please save in a word processor before copying to this form. 
Please note, if your application is successful FIT will then undertake a due diligence process in line with Charity Commission requirements.
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Email *
Your name *
Phone number *
Your role, or association to the organisation applying *
Name of organisation *
Social media
Address *
Number of paid staff *
If you have none, please enter ‘0’.
Annual income *
An estimate is acceptable. If you are a new project without financial history, please enter '0'.
What are your main sources of income? *
Your organisation’s Mission Statement (or aims and objectives) *
Max 50 words.
Amount requested *
Maximum £2,000 is available for small grants.
WHAT are you planning to do? *
Please describe, in detail, what you will be doing with this funding. What are you hoping to achieve? (250 words)
WHY is your project needed? *
We know why we need fewer cars and more sustainable, integrated transport. Instead, focus on how your project will deliver change in terms of transport as a basic right and/or reducing emissions from transport. (250 words max)
WHY is funding needed at this particular time? *
Why is funding needed now? How did you fund your project previously? (if applicable) (100 words max)
WHERE will your project take place? *
Describe the location/s that will benefit from this project. (100 words max)
WHEN will your project take place? *
When do you plan to start? How long will it last? (100 words max)
WHO or what will benefit from this project? *
 Is there a particular community, space, place that your project will benefit? (100 words max)
Budget *
Please provide as much detail as possible and cost everything up realistically. Please do not be vague, but specify exactly what the funds would be used for.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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