ranking 4th gen girl & boy groups in different categories !
a me vs my subscribers because its been awhile 😋
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best title tracks?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best title tracks?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best music videos?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best music videos?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best choreographies?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best choreographies?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best vocals?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best vocals?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best raps?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best raps?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best stage presence?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best stage presence?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best discography?

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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen has the best discography?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen had the best debut?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen had the best debut?
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen had the best last comeback? (japanese comebacks not included)
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen had the best last comeback? (japanese comebacks not included and all those xdinary heroes singles theyve been releasing)
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GIRL GROUPS | who in 4th gen had the best first comeback?
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BOY GROUPS | who in 4th gen had the best first comeback?
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your favorite 4th gen GIRL GROUP?
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your favorite 4th gen BOY GROUP?
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yall can leave me a message if you want but this is the end! THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING I LOVE YOU
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