Website Evaluation Form
Your feedback is important to us! Kindly evaluate our website using the indicators below.
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Name *
School / Company / Institution
Website Evaluation Criteria *
4 - Highly Evident
3 - Evident
2 - Slight Evident
1 - Not Evident
The author(s) are clearly identified
The author’s credentials are present
Author is qualified to address the topic
Contact information provided: E-mail, phone, address
Information appears accurate and can be verified elsewhere
Spelling and grammar are correct
Contains links to reputable outside sources for additional information
Site has a bibliography/citations for borrowed material
Copyright (creation) date provided
All links are current. (no dead links)
The purpose of the site is clear
Site is unbiased or bias is easy to identify
Site is free of advertisements
The site is well organized. (first impression)
Contains information relevant to my project
Site can be viewed completely (No fees, special browser requirements or “under construction” signs.)
Site has depth and breadth (not fluffy)
Clear form
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