Elementary Age Parent Group Registration Form
Virtual meetings are open to parents of a child with special health needs / disabilities anywhere in MN. This particular group is for parents (or anyone in a parent-like role) raising elementary school aged children. 

If you are new to our Parent Groups please use this form to begin your registeration. After filling out this form please expect to hear from one of our Parent Support Navigators to schedule a phone call.  If you have attended any of our parent groups in the past please email Amanda@familyvoicesmn.org to get the group link.

We are a supportive group of parents and caregivers of children in the early elementary age with extra needs who will be connecting virtually to share ideas, resources and a listening ear. Join others with young children in a safe and welcoming atmosphere where you will be amongst friends. The vision of this group is to connect with other caregivers and offer a safe space of sharing the emotional journey of parenting a child who has special health care needs or a disability. Parent Host: Amanda Travers– Parent Group Facilitator, Family Voices of Minnesota, Amanda is a mom to 3 kids, ages 5 years, 3 years and 1 year. Her oldest daughter is medically complex, with no official diagnosis, but symptoms which include global developmental delay, hypotonia, and hip dysplasia. She is also non-verbal and non-ambulatory, and uses a g-tube to help with nutrition. Amanda’s 3 year old son has shown some signs of speech delay and is currently receiving speech services. 

Email *
Name *
Phone number *
How did you hear about this group? *
Are you a parent or in a parent like role for a child who has a disability or extra needs? *
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