Insurgent Submission Form
Current theme: The Americana Issue
What does it mean to be American? Politically, philosophically, globally, aesthetically, etc. What is America?
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Author(s) *
What name would you like to publish under? This name will appear as the creator of the piece you submit in the issue. This can be a preferred name, alias, or anonymous. 
Pitch/Working title *
Submission category *
Tags (for easier searchability on website, comma separated)
Content Warnings (optional)
Link for submission *
(if it's in a google doc make sure it's sharable by link!!)
Contact info, what is our best way to contact you? (signal, phone#, email, etc.) *
We need this information so we can contact you for questions about editing, access, or how you would like the piece formatted in the issue. 
Artist (or art page link)
Art link(s)
Alt-Text for Images
(for accessibility on the website) (HIGHLY ENCOURAGED)

Having trouble with alt-text? Check out this article!
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