Registration: Fireside Chat with Jesse Stommel
The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer its first Fireside Chat, "Ungrading as Critical Pedagogy: Transforming Assessment and Centering Student Voices." Join us as we offer this interactive discussion and Q&A with Dr. Jesse Stommel on October 6, 2021 (2:00pm-3:45pm). Jesse Stommel discusses ungrading as part of a radical, decolonizing and holistic pedagogical approach that offers students a sense of ownership over their own education.

Jesse Stommel is co-founder of Digital Pedagogy Lab and Hybrid Pedagogy: the journal of critical digital pedagogy. He has a PhD from University of Colorado Boulder. He is co-author of An Urgency of Teachers: the Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy. Jesse is a documentary filmmaker and teaches courses about pedagogy, film, and new media. Jesse experiments relentlessly with learning interfaces, both digital and analog, and his research focuses on higher education pedagogy, critical digital pedagogy, and assessment. He’s got a rascal pup, Emily, a clever cat, Loki, and a badass daughter, Hazel.

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