4/16(土) 献血の奉仕活動 予約サイト/Blood Donation Reservation Site


アクセス:東京メトロ日比谷線 広尾駅から徒歩3分

This is the first blood donation service to be held at the Temple Annex.

With 3,000 people a day needing blood transfusions (14,000 blood donations are needed for that), it is currently very difficult to collect blood through the COVID-19, and the Japanese Red Cross Society has high hopes for blood donations from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Please fill out the form below to make a reservation. If you wish to change your schedule after making a reservation, please register again.

Implementation Guidelines
Date and time: Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10:00-16:00
Reception time: 10:00-11:30/13:00-16:00
Place: Tokyo Temple Annex
Access: 3-minute walk from Hiroo Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line

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お名前/Name *
メールアドレス(間違うとその後の案内ができなくなるためご注意ください)/E-mail address (please note that if you make a mistake, we will not be able to send you further information) *
所属ワード/Ward you blong to *
予約の種類 *
予約希望時間/Preferred time for reservation *
その他コメント/Other comments
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