raiSE Social Enterprise Fellowship Programme - Application Form for SEs
The SE Fellowship Programme aims to support social enterprises in improving their capabilities and financial sustainability through curated matching with experienced professionals interested to contribute to the social enterprise sector for a 4-month engagement. 

This form will take about 10 minutes to fill up and will help us to assess your suitability for the Programme, as well as to recommend potential Fellow matches for you. 

Please note that a match is not guaranteed as it depends on alignment between your needs and skillsets of our available pool of Fellows/Mentors. 

This programme is open to raiSE Social Enterprise Members that are seeking for growth and have a committed team to execute the plan. 

For information about the programme, please visit  http://www.raise.sg/fellowshipIf you have any questions about the programme, please email fellowship@raise.sg.

Thank you!

- From the Capability Development team at raiSE

*By submitting this form, you agree that raiSE may collect, use and disclose your personal data (as provided in this form) for the purposes of:

(1) contacting you regarding the SE Fellowship Programme;
(2) evaluation of your application for the SE Fellowship Programme; and
(3) marketing and publicity for the SE Fellowship Programme upon confirmation of your participation in the Programme.

Please visit our website at https://www.raise.sg/privacy-policy.html for further details on our data protection policy, including how you may correct your personal data or withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data
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Contact Person & Designation *
Full Organisation Name (as in ACRA) *
Email *
Please provide a short introduction of what your social enterprise does, including your business offerings and social impact. *
Primary Business Sector
Areas of Social Impact 
Annual Revenue (Please include actual revenue in the last 12 months)  *
Staff Strength *
Stage of growth of SE *
Please include a link to a video featuring your SE or SE founder(s), if any. This will help the Fellows to better relate to you and your SE.
What are your company's main objectives for the year? (State 2-3)
Key area(s) of expertise sought:
Please provide more details of the opportunities and/or challenges you are facing or support required in the respective areas you have identified in the above question. (State 2-3). 
Which do you think is the most urgent/impactful opportunity/challenge that needs to be addressed? (State ONLY 1)
Do you have a team who is committed to implement the plan(s) and/or achieve the project milestones as guided by the Fellow? *
Please indicate the name(s) of the Fellow(s) whom you like to speak to (if any). This is optional.
Any other questions/comments
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