Enough is Enough!  Institutional sign-up to attend the June 25th, City-wide Public Safety assembly
Together Baton Rouge (TBR) invites you and your institution to join us for the Enough is Enough: City-Wide Public Safety Assembly on Saturday, June 25, 2022 from 9-11 am at Galvez Plaza (behind City Hall).  The purpose of this assembly is two-fold: 1) to bring together diverse institutions from across the city to make a joint stand against the rise in violence in East Baton Rouge Parish, and 2) invite them to be a part of the solution.  

If your institution is interested in attending the assembly and getting involved, please sign up at below.  If you are a Moderator, Bishop or President of an association, organization, or institution, we would love for you to represent your organization at the assembly and endorse our strategy.

The assembly will serve as a launch for a regional public safety strategy, whose goals is as follows:
  1.) Develop relationships between institutions and neighboring communities
  2.) Identify and develop strategies to address the needs of the community
  3.) Partner with the Mayors Office to make sure resources get to those in need
  4.) Strengthen relationships between the community and police  

TBR is a broad base organization of 35 member institutions (religious, civic and non-profits), who have worked together to address issues that directly impact families and communities for the last 12 years.  Over the last couple of years, several of our member institutions have been directly impacted by the rise in violence, drug use, and domestic violence.  We know we are not the only ones, which is why we decided to take on public safety and engage other institutions throughout Baton Rouge in order for us to all work together.

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