Google IAM SignBlob/SignJwt Deprecation Feedback
IAM SignBlob/SignJwt have been deprecated and will be decommissioned in 2021 Q3. Starting 2021 Q3, calls to IAM SignBlob/SignJwt are not guaranteed to succeed and Google will not provide full support for these two methods. Please migrate your calls from IAM API to IAMCredentials API.

The information collected in this form will only be used to help the migration process, and will not shared to irrelevant parties. The data will be wiped out after the migration is done.
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Project ID or Org ID/Name
Do you have a plan to stop using IAM SignBlob/SignJwt?
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If you have an ETA for the migration, please share with us the date
If you do not plan to complete the migration before 2021 Q3, will it be OK for IAM SignBlob/SignJwt to fail?
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