NWTA Volunteer Hours Reporting
Please use this form to enter all volunteer hours(trail work, planning, events, admin) for NWTA and the trails we maintain.  

If you have any issues with the embedded version of this you can access the form directly at: https://forms.gle/rRNQWXP33eHSMqeb9

Bike Patrol is tracked separately here: https://goo.gl/JJSTmn
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Email *
Your Name (Firstname Lastname) *
For group submissions please specify the work party or event leader
Date of Work *
Land Manager Contact
For trail work please note the land manager contact's name
Type of Work *
Please select the type of work these volunteer hours were related to.
Location *
Work Accomplished
A description of the work done and any other notables about what was accomplished
Number of Volunteers *
Total number of volunteers including leads
Total Volunteer Hours *
In theory total hours should equal the day of event time (Volunteers * Duration) + Planning Time(if not submitted separately), if it doesn't please drop a note in the comments
Planning Hours
If submitting a single entry for an event that had planning/preparation time please note that here, otherwise leave blank(e.g. if you spent 20 hours planning an event that goes here, if you already submitted that planning time separately leave this blank)
Blow Down Trees Cut Out
How many fallen trees that were across the trail did you cut out?
Any details you weren't sure where else to include.
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This form was created inside of Northwest Trail Alliance.