Transportation Change Request Form: 1st hour Geometry for MS students at WOHS (HL & MB)
A required online transportation request form for middle school students from Harbor Lights Middle School (HL) and Macatawa Bay Middle School (MB) who are eligible for and request school bus transportation on an early morning high school bus from an existing bus stop to West Ottawa High School when space is available.

Parent/guardians of HL and MB middle school who are eligible to receive transportation and who request school bus route transportation for the 1st hour Geometry class at WOHS on a high school bus must complete and submit this online transportation request form by August 17, 2020.  Persons submitting an online transportation request form on or after August 18, 2020 will not be provided early school bus transportation until September 18, 2020 or later.

Please allow a minimum of three (3) days for processing.  Due to the complexity of bus routing activities at the beginning of the new school year, and for student safety and communication reasons, requests for bus stop changes will not be processed between August 18 thru September 18, 2020.

Students who live in a non-transportation area (walk zone) or who do not need transportation are considered "Parent Transport" and do not need to complete this online form.

Immediately following each 1st hour Geometry class session at WOHS, a shuttle bus will transport all 1st hour Geometry participants from the high school to their respective middle school.  Shuttle bus transportation from the WOHS to each middle school is automatically assigned to all 1st hour Geometry participants.  Sign up is not needed for the return-to-middle school shuttle.

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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Primary Parent's First Name *
Primary Parent's Last Name *
Telephone Number of Primary Parent (Enter as: xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Alternate, emergency telephone number (Enter as: xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Middle School Building of Attendance *
High School Morning Drop-Off Location *
Start Date: September 8, 2020
(***NOTE: Only complete this response IF you request school bus transportation to begin on a specific date AFTER your first class session.***)   School bus transportation for WOHS 1st hour Geometry assigned riders will begin the week of September 8, 2020.   If you request transportation to begin on a specific date AFTER your first class session, please enter your desired transportation start date.
Transportation: Space Available and Assignment Proximity Notice *
Transportation for eligible middle students to ride an early morning high school bus will be approved IF there is space available on the high school bus for the requesting WOHS 1st hour Geometry student, and, there is an existing bus stop within assignable proximity.  Transportation is not available to those who reside within a non-Transportation (walk zone) area.  By checking the box below, I understand that I will need to provide transportation to the high school for my middle student if the Transportation Department determines that there is not space available on the high school bus, or, if there are no existing high school bus stops within assignable proximity.
Transportation: Bus Assignment Information Notice *
When early morning high school busing for middle students has been assigned, the Transportation Department will contact the parent/guardian by telephone or e-mail to review assigned busing information.  By checking the box below, I understand that I will be contacted by the Transportation Department when my request for transportation has been reviewed and assigned.  I also understand that my WOHS 1st hour Geometry student is not allowed to ride an early morning high school bus unless assigned by the Transportation Department.
Transportation: Bus Stop Change Processing Policy *
Persons submitting a Online Transportation Request form on or after August 18, 2020 may not be provided early morning high school bus transportation until September 21 or later.  By checking the box below, I understand that due to the complexity of bus routing activities at the beginning of the new school year, and for student safety and communication reasons, requests for bus stop changes will not be processed between August 18 thru September 18, 2020.
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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