APC Roadshow Survey
Thank you for giving us some feedback

If you provide a complete feedback form (complete all questions) we will enter you into a Christmas prize draw for a £20 Amazon voucher and all of January 2023 APC Roadshows for free*... very exciting :o)

Existing subscribers have additional benefits

Kind regards

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Name? *
Email? *
How would you score your overall experience with the APC Roadshow? *
Meh! Waste of time, Don't know why I bother turning up each week!
OK, lets break it down...  What about each component / feature?
Jon Lever's facilitation
APC Roadshow organisation
CPD Topic of the week
Spin the Wheel Competition
APC Autocue
Online quiz/poll
Assessor 'Rant' Feedback
APC Pitfalls
Open Q&A
Workbench Competencies
Workbench Presentations
5 Minute presentation opportunity
Projects of interest - Clive's Place
APC Process talks
3D Print corner
DeLever 'this month' special offers
Every 10th Roadshow is free
Hot topics
Green Construction
Recording archive
Special offers
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What is your favourite bit?          Write us a short testimonial?         Put your sign off at the end or leave blank if you would like to remain anonymous...
What other features would you like to see?
What could we do better?
As part of DeLever's commitment to GDPR we require you to confirm you are happy for us to collect the above data about you for the purpose of this feedback form.  (This field is 'required' for you to be able to submit your feedback)
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