Culture, Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles: Individuals
The Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly for Argyll and the Isles is undertaking a 2 year place partnership project that will include a wide selection of different activities aiming to support the sustainability and growth of the sector.

We are building a picture of Argyll and the Isles by compiling a database which will help us determine the economic and social values, barriers and assets to working in the region and understand the needs CHArts should fulfil. Your details will only be used to contact you about the Place Partnership project.  Your information is being collected by icecream architecture on behalf Argyll and Bute Council and CHArts.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First name *
Surname *
What is your age? *
Your Closest Hub *
Growth aspirations
Do you have aspirations to grow or increase your culture, heritage and arts activity over the next 3 years? *
If yes, can you estimate by how much:
Clear selection
Do you expect this to be in your main area of culture, heritage and arts interest?
Clear selection
If no, what new activities/interests to you expect to pursue?  
Do you currently sell goods or services outside Argyll and the Isles? *
What proportion of your turnover is accounted for by customers outside Argyll and the Isles? (percentage)
Barriers to growth
Which of the following factors (if any) limit your ability to grow or increase your culture, heritage and arts activity? *
Which is the single greatest barrier to you doing more?
Collective and collaborative working
Do you work with others to produce goods and services? *
Would you like to work with others more? *
If yes, what would enable you to work more with others?
Would you like to sell more goods or services to others? *
If yes, what would enable you to do so?
Would you be interested in shared physical space a) for production b) for selling c) for other (please specify) ____________? *
What is the maximum you would be willing and able to pay (per month)?
A range of wider factors affect the number of people visiting and living in the area, which in turn can affect the level of culture, heritage and arts activity in Argyll and the Isles. The following seeks your views on the issues on tourism accommodation and offer, digital connectivity and transport.
Tourism - Accommodation and Offer
What are your views on the accommodation offer (on a scale of 1-5 where 5= very good, 3=average, 4 is good, 2 is poor and 1 is very poor): *
Quality of accommodation in Argyll and Isles
Quality of accommodation in your region
Affordability of accommodation in Argyll and Isles
Affordability of accommodation in your region
Availability of accommodation in Argyll and Isles
Availability of accommodation in your region
On a scale of 1-5, where 5 is very important and 1 = not at all important, how important is the accommodation offer to the success of these things for your culture, heritage and arts activity. *
Quality of accommodation
Affordability of accommodation
Availability of accommodation
In your opinion, to what extent do accommodation providers understand the culture, heritage and arts offer in (excellent understanding, good understanding, neither/nor, poor, very poor): *
Excellent Understanding
Good Understanding
Neither / Nor
Very Poor
Your area
Argyll and the Isles
How do you rate the overall tourism  offer in (5 = excellent, 1 = very poor): *
Excellent Understanding
Neither / Nor
Very Poor
Your area
Argyll and the Isles
How do you rate the overall culture, heritage and arts offer in (5 = excellent, 1 = very poor): *
Neither / Nor
Very Poor
Your area
Argyll and the Isles
Do you offer accommodation alongside your culture, heritage and arts activity? *
In your view, how could the tourism sector better promote culture, heritage and arts? *
Digital Infrastructure
Do you use broadband to deliver your culture, heritage and arts activity?   *
If yes...
Are your broadband speeds sufficient for what you do currently? *
Is your broadband speed sufficient for what you would like to do? *
What else would you do if broadband speeds were greater?
To what extent are you reliant on transport to carry your culture heritage and arts activity? *
Highly reliant
Quite reliant
Not really reliant
For events/workshops
To reach customers
For customers to reach me
For suppliers
To distribute products
If Other (please specify)
What modes of transport are important for you in relation to culture, heritage and arts activities - and for what uses: *
Not important
Quite Important
Road – product distribution
Road – supplies
Road – customer access
How do you rate the adequacy of the transport? *
What transport improvements would enable you to undertake more culture, heritage and arts activities? *
I agree to icecream architecture working on behalf of Argyll and Bute Council and CHArts to hold my information securely and agree to. *
Do you have an organisation or are you a volunteer, go to these links to answer! Please answer as much as you can to make our work better and more informed.
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