NewsGuild-CWA Side-by-Side Program: September 2022 Sign Up
The Side-by-Side program provides us with the opportunity to work alongside a peer in our movement and make new friends.

This month, the focus is one-on-one conversations! However! You can shadow each other in any way you’d like. Even if it doesn’t relate to this month’s kickoff topic, you can invite your buddy to what you’d find most useful to have an observer in!


Week of September 6th: Buddies introduced via email. Identify the top three opportunities you have this month that you’d like your buddy to observe. 

September 12th at 12pm ET: Kickoff meeting.

Week of September 19th: Shadow your buddy, or vice versa.

Week of September 26th: Switch! Buddy shadows you, or vice versa. Debrief together and discuss what you both observed and what may be valuable to share back with the whole group during our debrief call at the end of the month.

October 3rd at 12pm ET: Debrief
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Yes! I commit to one hour per week for four weeks in the month of September to work side-by-side with a fellow union staffer. *
Yes! I commit to attend the two group sessions on  September 12th and October 3rd. *
Yes! I commit to scheduling time with my assigned buddy to shadow them and have them shadow me. *
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