Becoming a supporter/ member of Papillarya

Papillarya is a collective of recently graduated Bachelor of Arts artists who come together to exhibit and curate art. We believe in creating synergies among artists instead of fostering competition. Our goal is to host at least one annual exhibition featuring the Papillarya Community, free from any application process.Additionally, we organize exhibitions outside the traditional White Cube spaces to connect with a broader public. We think art should reach people in their everyday lives and move away from being seen as exclusive. Papillarya is dedicated to forming a collaborative environment where artists of all backgrounds grow together and support each other. Our community extends across Switzerland. Open to new artists, established artists, art students, curators, and art enthusiasts. The annual fee goes to organizing our projects.


  • Students and everyone under 23: CHF 30/year

  • Curators/Artists with an income lower than 24’000 a year: CHF 50/year

  • Artists/Curators with an income higher than 24’000 a year: CHF 80/year

Benefits for our members: 

  • Annual networking brunch

  • Newsletter regarding our community but also further open calls and projects. Our members are invited to send their content for the newsletter.

  • Invitations to our open calls before public release.

  • Access to all community activities: workshops, studio visits, artist talks etc

  • Mentoring possibilities with special guests from the local and international art scene.

  • A spot in our annual exhibition and the possibility of curating the show together.

  • We share our members' projects and exhibition updates on our Instagram page.

  • When organizing an exhibition we firstly check the current work of our members before inviting other artists.

Supporters: from CHF 200/year 

  • Annual brunch with artists

  • Newsletter

  • Free copy of the Papillarya Magazine

  • Access to all workshops, artist talks, studio visits etc.

  • Christmas and summer gifts delivered to your address: ceramics, paintings, postcards and more. 

  • The possibility to support an emerging community of artists.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name and pronouns *
Contact number
Email *
Your address
Artists: Description of your artistic practice. The text will be used for an instagram post.
I agree on getting featured on instagram and on your website.
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Your social media
Choose the membership fitting your situation :)
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Please TWINT or transfer the amount and add your name in the "reason for paymenet" section. We will send you a confirmation email as soon as we receive the fee and approve your submission. If there are any questions or comments, please leave them here. Otherwise we are happy to welcome you to Papillarya <3
IBAN: CH82 8080 8007 0327 8759 1
Twint: 0793643264
*The membership is valid for one year and it doesn't renew automatically. We will send you an email shortly before it expires.
Artists: Send us relevant pictures for the instagram post about you. Additionally you can send us your portfolio.
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