Instrument Donation Form
Thank you for your interest in donating an instrument. All instruments will be used for NHSO Instrument Petting Zoo events. We are currently only looking for a trumpet, trombone, violin (sizes 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4) and cello (sizes 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2).

We will only accept instruments if:
1. The instrument is both functional and playable
2. You are available to drop them off at the NHSO office (4 Hamilton Street, New Haven CT)

Please direct any questions to Caitlin Daly-Gonzalez at
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number  *
What instrument would you like to donate? *
What brand is the instrument? *
Is your instrument missing any parts? (i.e. mouthpiece, bow, strings, etc.) *
Please elaborate if you answered yes to the question above. 
Is your instrument in playable condition? *
Are you able to drop off the instrument at 4 Hamilton Street, New Haven CT? *

If the instrument is unusable, the NHSO will notify you by email to return it, and you must pick it up within 7 days of the email. After this period, the NHSO reserves the right to donate or dispose of the instrument.

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