What is your USA Hockey Certification (CEP) Level (as of 12/31/24) *
Are you SafeSport Certified (as of 12/31/24)? *
What is the highest Level of hockey you played? *
What was your hockey coaching assignment for 2024-25 season? Please include team (i.e. Coed 10U) and position (i.e. Head Coach, Assistant Coach, On-Ice Volunteer) *
Your answer
List any previous hockey coaching experience including position, team, and years. *
Your answer
Have you coached or managed any other Sports outside of Hockey? If YES, please include what sport, when, where, and the position. *
Your answer
Which Program are you applying for? Select all that apply. *
Position(s) applying. Select all that apply. *
Team (level) applying for in 2024-25 season. Select all that apply. *
If you selected more than one team above, indicate the order of your preference and role for each. *
Your answer
Are you able to volunteer 6 or more hours with one of our development programs (e.g. Bruins LTP) next season? *
Do you have a child playing at the age group you are applying for? *
What is your Coaching Philosophy? (Please be brief) *
Your answer
If selected to a coaching position, I agree to abide by the Junior Crusaders Coaches Code of Conduct and the Rules and Regulations of our Governing Bodies (Mass Hockey and USA Hockey) *
If selected to a coaching position, I agree to upgrade my Coaching Certification and Online Age Modules, if required. *
If selected to a coaching position, I agree to complete a CORI/Background Check and SafeSport Training. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.