Jr. Crusaders Coaching Application
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Email *
Full Name (First and Last) *
Phone *
Address *
What is your USA Hockey Certification (CEP) Level (as of 12/31/24) *
Are you SafeSport Certified (as of 12/31/24)? *
What is the highest Level of hockey you played?
What was your hockey coaching assignment for 2024-25 season? Please include team (i.e. Coed 10U) and position (i.e. Head Coach, Assistant Coach, On-Ice Volunteer)
List any previous hockey coaching experience including position, team, and years.
Have you coached or managed any other Sports outside of Hockey? If YES, please include what sport, when, where, and the position.
Which Program are you applying for?  Select all that apply.
Position(s) applying. Select all that apply.
Team (level) applying for in 2024-25 season. Select all that apply.
If you selected more than one team above, indicate the order of your preference and role for each. *
Are you able to volunteer 6 or more hours with one of our development programs (e.g. Bruins LTP) next season?
Do you have a child playing at the age group you are applying for?
What is your Coaching Philosophy? (Please be brief)
If selected to a coaching position, I agree to abide by the Junior Crusaders Coaches Code of Conduct and the Rules and Regulations of our Governing Bodies (Mass Hockey and USA Hockey)
If selected to a coaching position, I agree to upgrade my Coaching Certification and Online Age Modules, if required.
If selected to a coaching position, I agree to complete a CORI/Background Check and SafeSport Training.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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