Reno Rescue Submission Form
Facing DIY renovation challenges? Submit your details and let us help you navigate through them!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address
Phone number *
Where is your project located? (City, Town, Province)
Project Description: Briefly describe your renovation project so we can have a clearer vision
Project Start Date: When did you begin your DIY renovation project?
Expected Completion Date: When did you intend to complete your project?
Project Status: What stage is your project currently at?
Challenges Faced: What specific obstacles or challenges are you encountering?
Photos/Video Upload: Please upload any photos or videos that illustrate the issues you are facing. Send to - type SENT below when completed.
Previous Experience: What is your level of experience with DIY renovation projects?
Desired Outcome: What specific results or solutions are you hoping to achieve with our assistance?
Preferred Consultation Type: Would you prefer a virtual consultation or an on-site visit?
Availability: What days and times are you typically available for a consultation?
Additional Comments: Is there anything else you would like us to know about your renovation project?
Are you OK with us sending you an email? *
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