AAU New Website Feedback Form
We value your feedback on our redesigned website. Please take a moment to share your experience to help us improve.  
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Basic Information
  Your role or affiliation with the university   *
General Experience  
  How often do you visit the university website?   *
  Why do you usually visit this website? *
  Usability and Design  
How easy was it for you to navigate the website on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very easy and 1 being very difficult?    *
How would you rate the overall design and appearance of the website? (1 being very poor, 5 being excellent) *
  Performance and Accessibility  

How would you rate the website's loading speed? (1 being very slow, 5 being super-fast)

Did you encounter any accessibility issues (e.g , hard-to-read, broken links), If no, please write down the issue in the section at the bottom of the form.  *
Is the website device-friendly (personal computer, tablet, mobile phone)? If not, please write down your device type and model at the bottom of the form. *
Did you have difficulty accessing the website with a specific browser? If so, Please specify your browser below.
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Are you satisfied with the website content structure? If no, please write down your comment at the bottom of the form. *
  Any additional comments or feedback?  
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