Grace Church Volunteer Interests
Hello! We would like to improve and streamline service opportunities here at Grace Church.

There is a place for every follower of Jesus to serve His Kingdom and we want to make sure everyone is encouraged & invited to participate. This form is the first step. Please fill it out!
Name *
Email *
The main method of communication
Phone number
Helps when volunteer opportunities should be addressed quickly (<1week)
Helps when needs are specific to a certain area (i.e. White Salmon, Snowden, Underwood, Hood River, etc.)
Volunteer Areas
In what areas would you be willing to serve?
Have Experience
Children's Ministry (nursery, children's church, VBS)
Church Facilities (upkeep, cleaning, repairs, painting)
Elderly Care (chores, errands, check-ins)
Events (baby/bridal showers, luncheons)
Grunt Work (yard work, snow removal, splitting firewood, event parking)
Hospitality (coffee cart, meal trains)
Technology Team (website, sound, streaming)
Youth Ministry (junior high, high school)
Are there other gifts, talents, or abilities you'd like to share? Or, are there areas where you feel especially called to participate?
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