Xtreme Heights Pole Vault Summer Series
Sign up for our summer series below! The price is $15 for XHPV Members, and $20 for nonmembers! Please bring cash or you can pay on Venmo the morning of the meet. There will be medals. ALL ages welcome!

Each meet has a planned start time with girls PV at 10 am (runway open at 9), followed by boys.

If there are many people signed up, it's possible that there would be groups split by PR for girls / boys, so that we can appropriately social distance.

You are required to have a current USATF # to join, so please write your number into this document, or bring it with you upon arrival.  Please contact Michele Hirata at 571-354-1189 with any questions. This is a USATF sanctioned meet.
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Phone number?
Email address?
Male or Female? *
How old are you? *
Which series date are you interested in competing? *
What is your USATF member number?
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