HOPE Survival Guide. Get Listed!🏠🚢🏿
A Comprehensive Resource Guide for People Experiencing Homelessness.

The Survival Guide is compiled annually by the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center. Until this guide was created, there was no single resource for people experiencing homelessness to reference so that they can access the services they need independently.

The Agency Listing and Reference sections of this Guide provide information about public and private agencies and organization offering services to homeless people. More info: http://tinyurl.com/HOPEsurvivalguide
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Name of Organization or Service Provider
(Street Address, City, State, Zip)
Phone Number
Days Of Opperation (Check All That Apply)
Hours of Opperation
Brief Description of Services Provided
Is this a shelter?
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If so, please check all that apply.
Is there a cost assosiated with your services? If so, how much and for which services?
Do you provide meals on weekly or daily schedule?
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If so what are the days & times?
Anything else you want us To know?
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