Go tracing survey - Elastic APM
We are currently developing a Go agent/package for Elastic APM, and would love to hear about your needs. If you're using an existing APM/monitoring solution for Go, or are looking to add one, please answer the questions below.

All questions are optional, so feel free to provide as little or as much information as you would like.
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Please tell us a bit about your Go applications environment, with a focus on the applications you want to monitor. For questions about which platforms you are using, tick any that apply now, or are very likely to apply in the near future.
Go (gc) versions in use
Are you using/planning to use gccgo in production?
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Operating systems
Preferred instrumentation method
This question is about how you would prefer to instrument your application. Broadly, these are the options:

We provide an API, and you make changes to your application. This gives you 100% control over how your program is instrumented, at the greatest cost to you.

We provide an agent (a separate process) which will dynamically instrument your program, inserting tracing calls at runtime. This will require some changes to how you deploy your application, but will require little to no code changes.

We provide a tool which will instrument your source code at build time. This will likely require a small change to your build process, but will require no deployment changes.
Order of preference
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Custom instrumentation
Do you already have, or intend to add, custom instrumentation in your application? If so, what are/will you be using?
Please tell us a bit about what frameworks, drivers, and systems you integrate with. This will help us prioritise which things we provide instrumentation for.
Web frameworks/toolkits
Database drivers
Application Metrics
Elastic APM intends to gather some process and Go-specific metrics, e.g. heap usage, garbage collection stats, number of running goroutines. As well as this, we would like to make it easy for you to export application-specific metrics to the Elastic Stack, to view alongside your base APM and logging data.
Metrics instrumentation packages in use
Nearly done...
Company size
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Anything else you want to add?
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