Emergency Climate Rally and Vigil, Thursday, July 19
1) Rally and Call Thursday, July 19th

We’re asking you to join us on Thursday, July 19th at 12 Noon at the State House for an Emergency Climate Rally to demonstrate the need for the Mass House to act on climate now!

Can we count on you to show your support for the climate policies we need by attending our emergency rally?

Link to Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1984486251611553/

2) Share who you’re fighting for!

We’re asking everyone who comes to bring FIVE copies of a picture of who they are fighting for. This could be a picture of a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, or sibling, or friend. Please write on the back of the photo why you care for this person, and why climate change concerns you.

 If you can’t make it on Thursday, please send a copy of who you are fighting for to your rep and post it to social media. We’ll have more details about this ask early next week.

3) Call Your Rep

If you cannot make it to the rally, it’s more integral than ever to call your representative and ask them to take impactful climate action. RSVP HERE to call your representative on Thursday, 7/19 and we will follow up with a call script. Please also consider sending a copy of that photo to your rep over social media and use the hashtag

This rally is being hosted by 350 Mass, Sierra Club, Toxic Actions Center, Clean Water Action, No Fracked Gas in Mass, Climate Action Now MA, Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station, UU Mass Action, and Boston Climate Action Network.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Can you attend the rally on Thursday, July 19 at 12 Noon at the MA Statehouse? *
Can you commit to calling your representative on Thursday, July 19? (We will send out a call script on Monday, July 16) *
Can you bring FIVE copies of a photo of a loved one who motivates them to take bold action! (This could be a picture of a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, or sibling, or friend. Please write on the back of the photo why you care for this person, and why climate change concerns you)
Are you available for nonviolent direct action at the Statehouse on Wednesday, July 25? *
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