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Video.list dislike_count changes: Developer Exemption Application Form
Developers who do not display dislike counts publicly and still need the dislike count for their API client can apply to be put on an allow list for an exemption.
Please complete a different form for each API Project.
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* Indicates required question
Project Name (the consumer-facing name of your application and/or company)
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API Project Number
Please complete a different form for each API Project.
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Contact Email Address
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Have you completed an API Compliance Audit for this API project?
An exemption will not be granted until your API Project passes a compliance audit, so if you have not passed a compliance audit, please start this process immediately.
Does your API Client display dislike count statistics publicly to end users (either directly or within some form of trivially reversible metric, ratio or aggregate) or share the dislike count with their clients/end-users in any way?
What type of exemption are you applying for?
Permanent -- Your API client uses the dislike count for a purpose that does not involve sharing it or displaying it to anyone.
Temporary -- You need extra time to remove this functionality.
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