Travel Signature Request
Fill out this request form to receive a travel signature on your I-20. 

If you plan to travel outside of the US and then return back to continue attending SBCC, you may need to request a travel signature from your Advisor.  A travel signature is valid for one year if you maintain valid F-1 visa status. Check page 2 of your I-20 to see if you need a travel signature.

Make sure your local address is correctly listed in your account. F-1 visa regulations require students to report a new address within 10 days of moving.

Take advantage of priority registration. This will give you the best chance of finding a space in the classes you need and sections that fit your preferred schedule. If you cannot pay within 7 days, you can request an extension here.

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Student ID #:
You can find your Student ID # on your Student ID card; it begins with K0...
Last Name *
First Name
Phone Number (with area code)
What is the date of your departure? *
If you are not sure yet, enter an estimated date.
What is the date of your return? *
If you are not sure yet, enter an estimated date.
Are you planning to attend courses at SBCC upon your return to the U.S.?  *
How do you want to receive your travel signature?
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