The Billings Ovulation Method Quiz
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As designed, the Billings Ovulation Method ® relies only on signs from the woman’s body for information to determine the state of fertility/infertility. *
1 point
The word “fertility” refers to only the woman. *
1 point
The eggs are stored in the: *
1 point
The conception of the baby happens in the fallopian tube. *
1 point
It is the endometrium of the uterus which is shed during menstruation. *
1 point
What determines the ability of the cervix to produce mucus to keep the sperm alive? *
1 point
What is the vulva? *
1 point
How will the woman detect the presence of cervical mucus? *
1 point
The Pockets of Shaw will alert the woman to a change in the hormone: *
1 point
All the sensations at the vulva and any visual observations should be recorded throughout the day. *
1 point
A defined set of words is used by all women to describe their observations. *
1 point
A cycle is defined as: *
1 point
Following menstruation, a dense plug will form. *
1 point
The time after menstruation is called the Basic Infertile Pattern and is marked by an unchanging pattern. *
1 point
How many cycles are studied to determine a Basic Infertile Pattern of unchanging discharge in women who have cycles which are 35 days or less? *
1 point
How will the couple be able to determine the beginning of a pattern of fertility? *
1 point
A changing developing pattern, ending in a slippery sensation at the vulva, followed by an abrupt change to no longer slippery or wet is the Billings criteria for Peak. The couple should assume this will happen with every change from the BIP. *
1 point
The couple will know when to mark Peak on the chart on the day it occurs. *
1 point
Ovulation happens when? *
1 point
The phase after the fertile phase is called: *
1 point
The different stamps used on the Billings Ovulation Method ® chart indicate the state of a woman’s fertility. *
1 point
Menstruation follows a Billings Ovulation Method ® Peak on a woman’s chart.   *
1 point
When are the Early Day Rules applied on the woman’s chart? *
1 point
What time of day is available for Intercourse when you are waiting for ovulation to occur? *
1 point
Is every day available for Intercourse in the preovulatory phase if a couple is wanting to use the method to avoid? *
1 point
Can we assume Seminal Fluid on days following intercourse is infertile? *
1 point
Why does the couple need to wait for the woman’s evening for intercourse when using Early Day Rule #2? *
1 point
Different Rules apply if you have a Basic Infertile Pattern of Dry or if you have a Basic Infertile Pattern of discharge.   *
1 point
All Bleeding must be assumed to be menstruation on a woman’s chart.   *
1 point
Every time a change in discharge or bleeding interrupts the Basic Infertile Pattern on a woman’s chart the couple should: *
1 point
Do you apply Early Day Rules to bleeding that has not had a Peak identified before the bleeding? *
1 point
How do we know that we have had a Peak on a woman’s chart? *
1 point
Why are there rules for couples using the method they are trying to achieve?   *
1 point
The Billings Ovulation Method ® is more effective in avoiding pregnancy than condoms, barriers, and withdrawal.   *
1 point
It is OK to mix using the Billings Ovulation Method ® with condoms on days that we don’t want to abstain from Intercourse. *
1 point
You can only use the Billings Ovulation Method ® if your cycles are extremely reliable and regular. *
1 point
Independent trials have shown Billings Ovulation Method ® to be better than 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy when the method guidelines are followed.   *
1 point
Success depends on both accurate observations, accurate charting and understanding how to apply the rules to the woman’s charting. *
1 point
All women have the same charting experience there is very little variation to what most women will observe. *
1 point
I need to wait for menstruation to get started learning the method. *
1 point
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