Class-11,Cell The Unit Of Life
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Q1) New cells generate from: *
1 point
Q2) Who first saw and described a live cell? *
1 point
Q3) Cytoskeleton is made of ______. *
1 point
Q4) Select the incorrect matching *
1 point
Q5) Which is common in plant and animal cells *
1 point
Q6) Animal cell do not possess *
1 point
Q7) The ability of a living somatic nucleated cell to form the complete organism is called *
1 point
Q8) The most recent and accepted model of plasma membrane is *
1 point
Q9) Each centriole is surrounded by dense amorphous protoplasmic masses called *
1 point
Q10) The photograph or diagram of metaphasic chromosome arranged in homologous pair according to their length and thickness, position of centromere is called *
1 point
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