NFPA Refresher Courses
  • FEES: Each day you attend, the cost is $75. An invoice will be issued within 48-business hours of registering. You will have the option to pay with credit card, check, or bank transfer. 
  • CONTINUING EDUCATION POINTS: Each day qualifies for eight (8) continuing education points.
  • CANCELLATION POLICY: Any cancellation is subject to a 10% cancellation fee.
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Select the Course: *
Please identify which day(s) you will attend. For CFI-I courses, you may select a maximum of four (4) days. For CFI-II and CFPE courses, you may select a maximum of two (2) days. *
We will now be teaching using the 2021 NFPA Code Books. The 2018 NFPA Code Books may still be utilized, but following along may be somewhat challenging. If you wish to purchase a set of books at a cost of $425, please indicate below:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Department Name: *
Department Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
Cell Phone: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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