Join the OHDSI Evidence Network!

Please join the us as we build the OHDSI Evidence Network! In 2023 we created a first version of the network as part of the Save our Sisyphus challenge, as detailed on pages 48-49 of the 2023 Our Journey publication. Throughout this process we learned quite a bit, and we are now expanding our efforts by initiating the full network. Please fill in the information below to indicate your interest in joining the network. Once you sign up, you will be given a link to the site with additional materials, including examples for how to apply for IRB approval and information on what information you need to share to formally join the network. Someone from the team will be in touch to walk you through next steps!

OHDSI will not use your contact information for any purpose other than to follow up about your interest in your database becoming a network study candidate.  To be compliant with GDPR, your name and email will not be shared. 

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Name of Organization
This should be the name of the organization or institution that owns or licenses the database, not the data vendor (if applicable). For example, Janssen Research & Development or Johns Hopkins University.
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