The ClearMask
The purpose of this survey is to get a sense of what works and what doesn't work with the various face shields and masks with clear windows that can benefit individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing.   It's not meant to necessarily endorse one product over another but rather to have a discussion as to the pros and cons of each product.  

You can fill out multiple surveys if you own more than one style of face shield or mask with clear window. We will summarize the results in the near future in a blog post at   Be sure to sign up to follow the blog to get updates.

As you start the process of purchasing products either for yourself or where you work or go to school, we hope the information shared is beneficial to you!  

~ Tina Childress, Carrie Spangler & Mary Beth Napoli
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The ClearMask - - $60 for 24 masks = $2.50 per mask (Currently on the website, the minimum order is 10,000+ masks or you can pre-order.  There are some distributors that have this product for audiologists.)
Are you Deaf or Hard of Hearing? *
Is it behind-the-ear cochlear implant friendly? *
For example, do your processor microphones remain uncovered and your headpieces in place?
Is it one-piece cochlear implant friendly? *
For example, do processors like the Rondo and Kanso stay in place?
Is it hearing aid friendly? *
For example, are the hearing aid microphones unobstructed?
How long did you have to wait for your mask after ordering it? *
On a scale of 1-5, how much fogging is generated AFTER anti-fog treatment? *
Least fogging
Most fogging
On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate breathability? *
Easy to breathe
Difficult to breathe
On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate visibility of the talker? *
Easy to see
Difficult to see
On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your ability to understand what others are saying if they are wearing this particular product? *
Easy to understand
Difficult to understand
On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the usability of putting it on and taking it off? *
Very easy
Very difficult
Have you or someone else ever used a remote mic system with this product? *
This is a system where someone talks into a microphone and you receive the signal on your hearing aid and/or cochlear implant.
If you answered "Yes" above, on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the improvement with the remote mic system?
Much easier to understand
Did not help at all
Clear selection
Have you or someone else ever used a microphone transmitting to a soundfield speaker with this product? *
If you answered "Yes" above, on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the improvement with the soundfield speaker system?
Much easier to understand
Did not help at all
Clear selection
Any other comments?
Clear form
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