SET7 South Huron English Class Registration Form

Welcome to SET7 ESL Class in South Huron 

Saturdays starting on January 25 at the Dashwood Community Centre, 158 Centre Street in Dashwood Ontario. 

There will be 2 levels of English class offered:

Level 0-2: 9:30am-11:30am 
Beginner Level with a focus on alphabet, numbers, money, clothing, food, directions and more.

Level 2-3: 12:00pm-2:00pm
Workplace focus including types of jobs and skills, job safety, schedules and paystubs.  

For assistance with this form, please call Erin at 519-444-4098 or email


1. Complete this application form to register for the course.

2. One of our team members will send you an email to confirm you are enrolled.

3. Attend class on Saturday January 25. 

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to your participation in our English program.

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Participant Name (first and last name required)  *
Email *
Phone number/cell *
What language(s) do you speak?
Address *
I'm interested in taking... *
What is your job title and current employer? 
Have you taken ESL (English) courses before? 
If you have taken an English assessment, do you know your current level of English? (example: CLB level 0, 1, 2, 3)
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