How or where did you learn about this opportunity:
Your answer
Please describe your dance experience as a mover: *
No previous experience
Please describe your dance experience as a viewer: *
0-1 shows per year
2-5 shows per year
6+ shows per year
Please rate your overall experience with JSB, based on your most recent interaction: *
Not satified (please give us some feedback below)
Extremely satisfied (yay!)
How could we have done better?
Please provide contact info if you desire a direct response from us.
Your answer
What most engages you about the art form of dance?
Your answer
After experiencing dance, either as an observer or active participant, how do you feel changed or impacted?
Your answer
What might help you appreciate the art form more?
Your answer
Testimonial (optional)
Share with us (and others!) a few words about your experience with JSB and what made it special. Please include your name as you wish it to be appear (ie. James S.; J.S.; anonymous).
Your answer
Help us learn more about you:
Clear selection
Please describe your gender:
Your answer
Please describe your ethnicity:
Your answer
Resides in:
Clear selection
Thank you for sharing your insights with us! We sincerely appreciate your feedback, which helps us create programming and inform funding opportunities.