LatinPerDiem: Augustine of Hippo, Confessiones 5
This is a short quiz based on Latin Per Diem: Augustine of Hippo Confessiones 5. Go to the following URL and watch the video before answering these questions.
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True or false: Active participles can take an object *
2 points
"aliud enim pro alio potest invocare nesciens": Why might aliud be neuter? *
2 points
Which of the following are questions that Augustine is asking in the dialogue studied in this episode (You may select multiple options) *
2 points
True or false: The two possible meanings of the conjunction "autem" are 1) adversative and 2) subjunctive *
2 points
True of false: The preposition "pro" can take either the ablative or the accusative case. *
2 points
"quomodo autem invocabunt, in quem non crediderunt? aut quomodo credent sine praedicante?" From what place in Scripture is Augustine quoting? *
1 point
What is the correct parsing of "crediderunt" *
1 point
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