Winnebago Public School Band
If you are interested in Band for Next Year (2022-23), please fill out the form below as Soon as Possible! A paper copy is available as well.  RETURNING BAND MEMBERS, if I had you last year at all for band, I will have you continue on the same instrument as you started.

Only fill out IF you are interested in band.  Summer Band Lessons are available to anyone planning on participating in band. Please sign up outside of Mr. Garthoff's Classroom Door.
Name *
Grade (What Grade will you be in?)
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School Email *
Have you played an instrument before? *
If you answered Yes, What Instrument and How Long?
Choose an Instrument:
Below, make your choice of 3 different instruments that you would want to play.
Your Choices are Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, or Percussion.

Guitar and Piano are NOT instruments taught in band.

Make sure they are different Choices. I.E Do NOT pick all Percussion, or All Saxophone.

Due to the Limited # of instruments, not everyone will be able to play their first choice. so make sure you will be happy with Choice 2 and 3.
1st Instrument Choice (choose 1) *
2nd Choice (choose 1) *
3rd Choice (Choose 1) *
Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in Instrumental Music A.K.A Band!

I am very excited to work with and get to know all of you!

If you have any Questions, please feel free to email me at
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