WEY To Report An Issue | boats, blades, buildings!
The quickest and most thorough way to log any major or minor repair requests, or maintenance issues, with any club boat, club blades, or even a building/facilities issue.

❗️Involved in an incident?
Please be sure to report any incident via incidentreporting.britishrowing.org – notification and a copy of your report is received by the Rowing Safety Adviser and Club Captain at safety@weybridgerowing.club
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Issue type (check all that apply) *
🛠 Repair or maintenance work request
Please detail below:
- the boat registration and/or name
- any issue with a blade
- a brief description, noting the location of the issue(s),
- plus any issues with the condition of boat (hull, water-breaker, etc.) or its parts in need of replacing: gates, riggers, heel restraints, bow-ball, shoes etc.

Feel free to send any relevant photos that help describe the issue better to boats@weybridgerowing.club
Identifier: boat registration and/or name, blade number, or location (if a facilities issue) *
Please provide the boat's full name prefixed by the boat registration (starts 'WEY' followed by 3 numbers). If reporting an issue with a blade, please include the blade's number and which side, e.g. '#13 stroke-side blade'
Is this a request for minor or major repair/maintenance work? (check all that apply) *
Brief description of the issue *
Please describe the issue, including details of any fixes you considered making or tried to make yourself. 

If a boat requires a major repair, please flag the boat with a physical red tag and mark down on the boat booking sheet that the boat is 'ooa' (out of action), for 5 days initially: bit.ly/WEYToBookBoats
⚠️ Major repair following an incident
If a major repair job is needed following an incident, a copy of the submitted BR incident report will be sent to safety@weybridgerowing.club, which the Rowing Safety Adviser and Club Captain receive
📷 Got any photos?
Send any relevant photos to boats@weybridgerowing.club - this helps with understanding the extent of the problem/repairs assessment, and is useful for insurance and learning purposes - thanks.
❗️Have you submitted an incident report via British Rowing online reporting tool? *
🔜 Priority / urgency to fix *
Very low
Very high
If urgency is a '5-Very high', is the boat needed for an upcoming race? If so, which race event? (If no upcoming race, downgrade at least to a '4')
1. Red tag any boat that is out of action and move the boating card to 'OOA' on the boating whiteboard, so that the boat is not used by mistake – and for the same reason 
2. Mark up the boat booking sheet (bit.ly/WEYToBookBoats) with 'ooa' for an initial 5 days, whilst the extent of repairs needed is assessed.
Your full name *
An email address (for any follow-up queries) *
What happens next?
Thank you for completing this form. Once submitted, notification of your report will be received and triaged by the Fleet Manager or Facilities Manager, as appropriate. 

To view what else has been reported or how repairs are progressing, go to bit.ly/WEYRepairs-Progress
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