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Calamus Fitness Center Sign Up
Fees are automatically billed
on January 15th
Membership fees are not pro-rated
Resident Keycard $60.00/year *Resident must have a valid physical address within Calamus City Limits*
+ Add an additional Calamus City Resident
Keycard for $36.00/year
Non-Resident Keycard $120.00/year *Any physical address outside of Calamus City Limits*
+Add an additional Non-Resident
Keycard for $48.00/year
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Type of Membership Requested: Please select all that apply.
Resident Keycard
Additional Resident Household Keycard
Non-Resident Keycard
Additional Non-Resident Household Keycard
First and Last Name for Primary Card Holder
Your answer
First and Last Name of Additional Card Holder, if an additional keycard is requested. If none, please type none.
Your answer
Email address of primary keycard holder
Your answer
Email address of additional keycard holder (if none, please type none).
Your answer
Physical Address of Keycard Holder
Your answer
Mailing Address of Keycard Holder
Your answer
E-sign the Policies & Procedure form by clicking
E-sign completed
Forms were printed and will be put in the dropbox
Auto ACH Payment sign up: Please clicking HERE to fill out the autopay ach form which will take effect each year after until cancelled a minimum of 15 days prior to January 15th.
ACH Form Completed
I will drop off a payment each year before January 1st.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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