Please fill out this form to allow our team to publish your fill list of citations on or to suggest an author for this site.
***NOTE: This form does not allow for file uploads. We will ask for a link to your Google Scholar profile or another way to access your research. If you know you will submit a CV instead of providing a link, please use this form instead: Black Authors Digital Database
Mission Statement
We seek to enhance the recognition and citation of Black academic voices. Our approach requires a shift from traditional citation practices that are passive and white-centric to active citation practices that both quantify and equilibrate racial representation.
To achieve our long-term goal of equitable representation of Black voices in cited work, we will create and maintain a searchable, dynamically grown database of work authored by Black academics.
Submission Requirements
We are creating a database specific to Black academic scholars of peer-reviewed journals, book publications, and book chapters that are intended for scholarly teaching, research, and learning. Because we aim to amplify Black academic voices, it’s important that we do not unintentionally create a database that only marginally includes what we are aiming for. We require database entries to include Black authors as first author or senior author to submit their work unless the Black author chooses to include that listing in the database. If you are submitting this form for yourself, we will include all of your citations unless otherwise directed.
Once the website is live, you will be able to request that your publication be removed if you wish. The site will also feature a section to suggest submissions by colleagues you may know who would like their work to be featured. Please email to reach Jennifer Sadler (Project Lead, Assistant Professor of Marketing) for specific questions about the database or your entry.
Academic publications that are indexed have the best opportunity to elevate your voices to the benefit of your academic career. For that reason, we are specifically interested in academic articles that are peer-reviewed and indexed as well as books that are distributed through a publisher.
Those who wish to be featured on the site as an expert in your academic field (an additional searchable section of the database) will need to include your areas of expertise and a link to your professional website.