MGAI Affilitate Program Application
Welcome to the MGAI Affiliate Program Application! 
We appreciate your interest in partnering with us to promote MGAI.

🌟 Earn a minimum of 25% commission on recurring subscriptions. 

This means that you will receive commission for every month your referrals are subscribed, making our affiliate program one of the most rewarding! 

Feel free contact us about business partnerships and other affiliate-related matters:
Telegram: @IceWhiteOfficial

Affiliate materials: MGAI Affiliate Materials
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Email *
Which ways would you be able to promote MGAI as an affiliate? *
What is your website URL?
What other URLs can you share?
Why are you interested in becoming an MGAI affiliate?
How do you plan on promoting MGAI? Describe your promotional methods or strategies. 
What are the best ways to transfer commissions to you? *
Provide payment instructions or links here.
Do you have any questions for us?
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