Stoke Bishop Church of England Primary -Application Form for In Year School Admissions
Stoke Bishop Church of England Primary - Application Form 
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Child's Forename  *
Child's Surname ( As on Birth Certificate) *
Gender *
Date of Birth  *
Child's Current Address *
Previous School(s) *
Do you have parental responsibility for the child *
Is this child considered by the Local Authority as 'Previously Looked After' (PLAC) or a 'Child in Care' (CiC)  *
If Yes to PLAC or CIC, please give the name of the Local Authority and name of Social Worker 
Is your family currently or have been supported by a Social Worker or Families in Focus  *
If yes to above please give more details 
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Does your child have any special educational needs, Please share any key information you have regarding your child's needs. *
What is your child's Home Language? (The main language spoken at home). *
Name of Applicant (Parent/Carer) *
Address *
Contact Telephone Number(s) *
Email address *
Relationship of Applicant to Child  *
Parent/Carer First Language  *
If the family are moving house, please give the address moving to and anticipated date. We will require confirmation of this address.
Other Parent(s)/Carer(s) - If any other person has parental responsibility (under the Children Act 1989) and requires a separate copy of future correspondence, please give name and contact details 
If there is a sibling already attending the school please give the name and date of birth of the child(ren)
Reason for application/change of school  *
Signed  *
Date  *
Please note that you can expect a response to this request within 10 working days. At this point, if there is a place, you will be offered a visit to the school for both yourself and your child. If we are then able to offer your child a place we will devise a personalised transition programme based on their needs.
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