Registration for Sound Effects Children's Chorus
Music For Everyone hosts a children's choral program on Saturday mornings.  Girls and boys, ages 7-12 are invited to join The MFE Sound Effects Children's Chorus, working together in a stimulating, interactive and creative environment.  MFE underwrites all expenses, allowing students to attend at no cost to the participants.  There are no auditions, but children are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. 

Please register with the form below.  Once registered, families will receive our calendar and more details about drop-off and pick-up.  

Rehearsals are Saturdays at the WARE Center  42 N. Prince Street, Lancaster.  9:30 - 10:45 am.  Our director is Darla Bair.  Her email is    

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Student's first and last names *
Singer's age
Name of school or homeschooled
Name of Parent/Guardian who will be picking up singer from rehearsal
Home address - street, town, zip
Email of Parent/Guardian
Phone number of person to call in emergency
My child will 
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I hereby grant permission to Music For Everyone (MFE to use, including to display publicly or to perform, the above-named minor's image, likeness or voice recording on the MFE website or in any other official MFE publications without further notice or compensation.  I hereby consent that any such image, likeness, or voice contained in photographs, recordings, and tapes are the property of MFE, which shall have the right to print, reprint, publish, copy, vend, perform, or represent publicly, or create derivative works based on and using the image, likeness or voice depicted in such photograph, film, or sound recording as it my desire free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part of the part of the above-named minor.  I also understand that once the above-named minor's image, likeness or voice recording is published on a website, it can be downloaded by any computer user.  If a minor's name is used it will be with first name and last initial only.  
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I hereby attest that I am the legal Parent/Guardian of the above-named child and herby consent to the child's participation in the Sound Effects Children's Chorus.  I agree to release and hold harmless Music For Everyone from liability from any accident, injury, illness or death, sustained by the student listed below in connection with or while participating in this MFE program.  
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In the event of an accident or medical emergency, I  authorize that appropriate treatment be administered to my child. 
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