Medication Lockbox Pre-Survey
Make sure that your prescription medication is being taken only by those it is prescribed to by locking up medication in a secure container at home. Tumwater HOPES, in partnership with the Washington State Health Care Authority, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, provides lock boxes to local residents to lock up their medication.

Please take a moment to help us understand your use of a lockbox. Please note, you will also be contacted in 3-6 months to complete a short follow-up survey about your experience using the lockbox.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please rate your level of awareness about safe storage of prescription drugs
Not aware at all
Highly aware
Do you currently lock up your medication? *
Do you currently have a secure, lockable container for your medications? *
To receive your free secure medication lockbox please provide your name, phone, and email address to arrange for delivery of the lockbox. (Or receive immediately, if you're completing this survey at a community outreach event) *
Questions? Contact Tumwater HOPES at 360-490-9784 or email at Thank you for taking this important step to keep your family and community safe!
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