The second questionnaire about nutrition
This is the follow-up questionnaire concerning our topic - nutrition. Please complete it and send it back.
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What is the most important meal of the day? *
Do you think that eating cereal for breakfast is always the best and  healthiest choice? *
How many portions of fruit/vegetables we should eat per day? *
Do you eat dinner/supper (an evening meal)? *
How often do you drink fizzy drinks (e.g. cola)? *
Do you drink energy drinks? *
When you dine out, which type of a restaurant do you choose? *
Do you always eat healthy food? *
Which food is healthier? *
What is BMI? *
Do you know how to calculate BMI? *
Do you know how many calories a typical teenager should eat a day? *
Do teenage boys and girls need the same number of calories a day? *
Do you think that only good food can keep you healthy? *
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