Membership Drive - 2023 (Phase -II)
Psych PAK is an organization focused on promoting mental health and the field of psychology in Pakistan. Considering that, different milestones are under stream and some significants are already achived including, Psych PAK Liby,  An open resource e-library for psychology learners.
Psych PAK Community, A society for empowerment, awareness and growth of whole psychology community across Pakistan.
Different job opportunity programs are also under stream to support and promote psychology professionals.

We are inviting you to join this Community and be the part of this family and strengthen your journey in the world of psychology.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Write your Full Name *
Provide your Active Email address *
Provide your working email, you'll get access on it for our premium content
Your Country, City ? *
Your Age ? *
Provide your Last Degree, Institute *
Above degree, completed or continued? *
Your Contact number ( whatsapp) ?
Your Profession *
Provide a detailed answer whether you're doing a part time job, full time professional, or just student
Your Experiences ?
You can write your professional experiences.!
Your Skills ? *
Write down the skills you're good in. These would include any skill; soft skills, digital skills, hard skills, etc.
How did you know about Psych PAK? *
Are you currently the part of some psychological society, OR running your own society , do provide details below
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