Zoe Fest XXI
Application to attend the 21st anniversary Zoe Fest. 
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What is your name? *
What is your website address('s)? If you don't have a way for organizers to see your work without joining a third party website or are behind privacy barriers we won't contact you with an invitation. *
Are you a model or a photographer? Or both? If you are attending as a model and want to also photograph models, that's fine as long as you also play by all the photographer rules. This means, chipping in for models boarding and paying the same rate as photographers. *
Where do you live? *
Please list at least 5 references of models or photographers you have worked with in the past. If you have attended before please just say so. :) That will suffice. Or if you know Zoe (personally not online) just say so. *
Why do you want to attend? *
Are you capable of responding to group communications in a timely manner in order to streamline the orgainzing process? This requires you to log into Communityzoe.com and check our private group dedicated to producing the artist retreat. If you log in at least once a week you shouldn't have a problem keeping up. If you are unable to do this please don't respond to the application. *
Do you have interest in group get togethers, dinners, slide show nights and general mucking about? Our retreat is more than just shooting, it is stemmed in social aspects and viewing each others work also. It isn't a drunken Mardi Gras, models and photographers do need their down time, but it is fun.  *
We have yearly blogs now hosted on Zoefest.photo where each attendee uploads their finished works produced at the artist retreat. This creates a sense of community and a way to ask for feedback should you wish. Is there anything that would prevent you from participating this way? We will upload our fun snap shots on Communityzoe.com We always hope to make a book of the work we produce at the retreat and this is where we pick images should you wish to be included. If you attended in the past and didn't share your work on the blog, please don't send in the application.  *
Are you a flake? Will you confirm your attendance, book a room, cancel at the last minute and then leave me with the bill? Or leave the organizers scrambling to find other people to take your place? If this describes any aspect of your responsibility morals please do not send this form. Some accountability will be required of you if you cancel at the last minute if you agreed to share accommodations with someone or if we invited a model based upon your attendance. You also need to give us a proper heads up so that we can stress out and scramble to replace you with enough time. *
Please use this part to tell us anything you think we should know about you. This part isn't mandatory. All up to you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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