Step 1-2-3 Mentor for Life Initiative Sponsorship Confirmation Form
Please use the electronic donations link if you can if it is less than $500! Also, if you would like to help, join or volunteer, please let us know at by emailing (subj: I Want To Get Involved with Step 1-2-3)
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Name (Last Name, First Name) *
Email Address *
Permanent Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Amount Donated? *
Professional Job Title
Do we have permission to request donations from you yearly? *
Can you commit to future donations on a yearly basis? *
If yes to the above question, how much can you commit?
What does it mean to be a GOOD Mentor to You? *
Are you interested in serving as mentor? *
Would you like to receive our Step 1-2-3 Mentor for Life Initiative Newsletter? *
On Behalf of our Founder/Executive Director, our entire Board, and our Mentors and Volunteers, we thank you whole-heartedly for your financial support.  YOU helped make a difference today!
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