Volunteer Application
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Email *
Full Name *
Are you a museum member? (This does not affect your volunteer status) *
What is your age?
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Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Which areas are you interested in volunteering in? Please check all that you are interested in. *
How did you hear about our Volunteer Program? *
What is your availability?
Please check which days and times you are available to volunteer.
Tell us a little more about yourself and why you want to volunteer with the National Museum of the Great Lakes.  What skills can you bring to our volunteer corp?
Applicant Agreement and Signature: *
I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading information is grounds for refusing to accept me as a volunteer or will result in immediate termination if offered a volunteer position. I authorize any person, organization or company listed on this application to furnish you any and all information concerning my previous employment, education, and qualifications for a volunteer position. I also authorize the Museum or its agent to conduct any background or reference check, including but not limited to previous employment, education, criminal convictions, and credit records. In consideration of my volunteer status, I agree to abide by the policies and regulations of the Museum, which policies may be changed, withdrawn, added or interpreted at any time, at the Museum’s sole option and without prior notice to me. I also acknowledge that should I be offered a volunteer position with the Museum, I may be terminated, or any offer withdrawn, at any time, with or without cause, and with or without prior notice at the option of the Museum or myself. I understand that any offer of a volunteer position will be contingent based upon reports satisfactory to the Museum.
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